My 2018 Vision Board

You have probably heard me talking about my One Word and my vision board.  The past three years I have tried to not make “resolutions”, but instead selected my One Word that ties together all of my goals for the year.  I then create a vision board to be a constant reminder of what direction I am moving.

The first year I created a small vision board that fit into my planner.  This kind-of, sorta worked, but it wasn’t prominent enough for me to see all the time.  Usually my planner is open to the week we are in, so I had to flip back to the front to see my vision board.  At the time I felt accomplished because I did have some success. Definitely more than those resolutions that get forgotten by February.

The next year I decided to make a large vision board.  I heard of other people who used the side of their fridge as a vision board for the whole family.  I wasn’t ready to fully commit to that, so I bought a large sheet of foam board (about 2’ x3’).  I created my vision board on that and hung it on the side of my fridge.  I spend a lot of time in my kitchen, so this seemed like the place I would see it the most.  I can’t say that I would stop and study it every day, but I did look at it several times a week.  What I started noticing was that I was accomplishing the things on the board without REALLY thinking about them.  It was almost like a seed was planted and I just had to wait.  Not to say I wasn’t working on my goals, but this felt so different than setting resolutions.  I was really shocked and happy at the end of the year to see how many goals I had really accomplished.  I was hooked now.

So on to this year.  I am trying the same tactic (foam board on the side of my fridge).  I’ve placed my One Word right in the middle since it ties together all of my goals.  I have created a few “stretch” goals that would be great if they happened this year, but I’d also be happy to make progress and keep them on the board for next year.  Looking forward to a year of focus!  Do you have a vision board?


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