My Word of the Year

A few years ago I discovered the idea for One Word for your year.  The idea is that you set your intention for the year by choosing one word to focus on.  Then this word drives your goals, projects and direction for the upcoming year. 

So why not just pick New Year's resolutions?  Well, they don't work for me.  I used to write down a list of goals I had for the year and they were completely separate from each other.  There was no "gold thread" holding it all together.  This just didn't work for me.  (It may work for you and if it does, rock on with your bad self!)  

In 2016 I discovered the One Word and decided to try it.  That year my word was CREATE.  I had been creative, but I wanted to up my game.  This word applied to my art, but also my home and family.  I wanted to create....a peaceful home, an organized homeschool, connected relationships and lots of art.  It worked!  I still had goals for the year and a vision board, but it was all tied together by my One Word.  

In 2017 I decided on DISCIPLINED.  I wanted to have more structure around my daily life and emerging art business.  I needed to get disciplined with how I spent my time if I wanted to accomplish these big goals.  Again, it worked.

So now in 2018, what would my word be?  I spent about a week brainstorming words.  Some felt right, but when I started to look at them in relation to my goals it was not the right fit.  After much time I have finally landed on my word...

After the past two years of building things, I still need to grow but also tend to what I already have.  I also have skills I want to cultivate, current relationships I want to cultivate, a home I need to tend to.  You get the idea. 

Here is the secret I have found about your "One Word"....when you find the right one, there will be angels and trumpets.  Well, at least you will know THAT is THE word.  If you have doubts, it's not your word.  Just keep looking.

Here are some tips for finding your word:

  • brainstorm words and write down everything that comes to mind, even if it seems silly
  • look up the definition of your word to see if it fits with what you want
  • look up synonyms for your word.  You may be close, but not exactly right with the first word.
  • search Pinterest for your word.  Again this may lead you to another word or just confirm that you have the right word.
  • let your word marinate in your mind.  Don't rush to wallpaper your house with your word.  Let it sit in your head for a day or two.  Make sure it's really the right one.
  • Once you are sure....wallpaper your house, or at least make it the wallpaper on your phone.

Now go find that word.  It's waiting for you!


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