2018 Creative Kick-in-the-Pants
Do you need a creative kick in the pants? I know at times I could certainly use one. I would love to have more creative time, but I seem to find ways to fill that time. You know....cleaning, laundry, feeding my family.
With a new year upon me, I have decided to be more intentional with my creative time. This is something I have resisted because I felt like creativity should just "find me". Well, that's not working. Now I am going to be scheduling my creative time just like any other appointment.
This decision means I have to establish a few other routine changes. Number one....I need to have a more consistent schedule. I am an artist who works out of my home and I homeschool our son. This means my schedule is anything but consistent. Some days we have field trips or enrichment classes. Other days we are at home for school all day. I know everyday is not going to be the same, but I can plan around those other events.
I also need to have my creative supplies ready, so when my scheduled time happens I have what I need on hand. I can't waste my time looking for everything. This also means having some creative projects ready, so I need to plan for some projects.
I know that I will find other adjustments along the way, but this is where I am starting.
Do you want to join me? Do you want a kick in the pants?
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