And my new project is.....
I've always considered my creativity to extend outside of my art studio. I feel my creativity in the garden, in house projects and even in the kitchen. I've been looking for some new inspiration and this morning I found it in a baking magazine. I was flipping through some magazines to clean out my always overflowing basket. I tore out my usual favorites, cakes and cookies, mostly. Whipping up a cake or cookies at the last minute doesn't even require a recipe anymore. I have my favorite, time-tested, Mary-fied recipes memorized. As comfortable as I am with cake and cookies, I always hesitate to make a pie. There are certain times of the year that require a pie: pumpkin at Thanksgiving, pecan at Christmas and a summer strawberry fudge pie. The rest of the year has been pieless, until now. My new project is to explore pie recipes. Banana cream, coconut cream, rhubbarb, cherry, apple......where to start??? Well, first I need to find the best pie crust recipe. More to come......
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