At least it's something...

After my last post I began looking for creative avenues that I could add into my life.  I prefer an afternoon free in the studio, but those are rare.  So what little things can I do to keep my creative appetite fed?  I started with a post-it on my computer that says "What one thing can I do RIGHT NOW that would make a difference?".  This doesn't inspire me every time I sit at the computer (sometimes I just really need to pay a bill....or do a quick shop on Amazon :-).

This week was especially hard with my son home from school with bronchitis, but I wanted to work on something.  My backyard studio was out of the question since Alejandro was stationed on the sofa. I sat down and started working on my business logo.  I had some ideas, but I had never spent the time to capture them.  Why is it that so many activities are easier and quicker to finish once you get started?  Well, 15 minutes later I had a logo I was happy with and another ten minutes I had ordered a custom stamp with the new logo.  

I felt accomplished just for finishing that little task, plus now I can stop writing my business names on the cards and projects I make.

So, here is my new logo.....



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