Collecting inspiration

I know what it feels like to sit down at your art table and have nothing.  No ideas, no inspiration.  You just stare at piles of art supplies, but don't know where to start.

One way I have found to prevent this is by creating a mood board each month.  My mood board reflect a variety in color, texture, subject matter.  Sometimes it's just a photo that speaks to me.  Sometimes I find a color palette that inspires me and I collect images in that color scheme.

I use Pinterest to collect my mood board images.  I keep them all in one file and then each month I scroll through and pick the ones that appeal to me in that moment.  I create my mood boards "old school" style....I just copy and paste into a Powerpoint document.  I'm sure there is an app for this, but this works for me.

Here is my June mood board....

For some reason I was drawn to pastel colors when I looked through my images.  This is not a usual color palette for me, so it should provide some challenges.  I also feel a vintage/weathered vibe from the photos, so we'll see where that takes me.

Once I have my board complete, I print it out and post it in my studio.  I find just having it around inspires me without me having to really think about it.

Do you use mood boards?  How do you find inspiration?


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