Christmas 2016

I can't believe that Christmas is only a few days away and the end of the year is quickly approaching.  For some odd reason, I feel caught up on Christmas tasks this year.  Normally I am running around trying to get everything done.  Although my Christmas cards got out a little late, otherwise things are done.  I am positive that I must be forgetting SOMETHING because I shouldn't be this relaxed.  (Other Type A's will relate to this, the rest of you think I am crazy.)

One task I streamlined this year was decorating.  I have always been a firm believer in more is better when it comes to decorations.  Around Thanksgiving I starting flipping through Pinterest and I noticed that the decorations I was drawn to were vignettes.  I decided that instead of decorating everything, I would focus on creating these little vignettes.  

Wishing you all Happy Holidays!


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